lunes, 20 de octubre de 2014

Hello! My name is Rocío I am a student of La Arboleda. In this blog I Am the informatic technician, I chose it because I am very curious and I like find information, learn new things...This project is very interesting and with this blog we try to help to the people who is interesting in the trekking and hiking.  I love so much the sport this is one of the reasons I chose this project.

martes, 7 de octubre de 2014

Hello, I am Delia and I am the digital designer of this blog.One of the reasons why I am the digital designer  is because my partners thought I can do a very good job doing it, so I hope this blog become so funny and  helpfull for other people can use it, since the moment we start working. Furthermore, I love working with them, and the theme we work about: trekking and hiking! Take for sure we have fun while we are knowing better our city, Huelva !
See you soon !
I am Leandra. Although I am German, I live in lepe. I am the manager because I like to be control of the group. I have chosen this project because all my family, specially my mum and I, love trekking and other sports like horse riding. In addition, I love nature and I would like to discover more rutes in our province because I do not know many.
Leandra Schaber