1st step


Hello again!        

 We will start our trip from Sarria to Portomarín. Here is the main information you need:

    - LENTH: 22.4 km

    - PLACE AND DEPARTURE TIME: Sarria, 9:00 a.m.

    - PLACE AND ARRIVAL TIME: Portomarín, 8:00 p.m.

    - HOSTEL:  O Mirador Hostel (Portomarín) (10e.)

    - LEVEL OF DIFFICULTY: Medium-low

    - PLACE FOR HAVING LUNCH: In Mirallos, Natalia Restaurant (13.6 km from Sarria)

    - MONUMENTS TO VISIT: Barbadelo's church named Santiago de Barbadelo; the town Ferreiros       and its church named Santa María de Ferreiros; Portomarín, an old town, and San Nicolás de               Portomarín monument.

    - OBSERVATIONS: The first 13 km from Sarria to Ferreiros, is the most difficult part because of          the undulating terrain and the frequent changes of floor.
      During this route you can find little shops for food, drink, parapharmacy, etc in Barbadelo,                   Ferreiros, Moutrás and Portomarín.
      In this step we will be walking  through little towns as well as through forests and lanscapes.

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